Friday, January 25, 2008

It's been a while

You'd think that after not write for such a long time, I'd actually have things to write about. The truth is that when you've been away for so long, you have so much to write and you don't know where to start. Well I guess I'll start by saying, "The Pat's are kickin' it again!!!!!!!!!!" Very excited about the Super Bowl, and I wish that everyone that reads this could be together to watch the game, I'd love to be able to see all of you together again. I think I've said it before, growing up really sucks.

So I finished out the semester strong. Everyone said that senior year was supposed to be easier than the rest, they were wrong. Well, at least for last semester.....I'm expecting this coming semester to be better since I only have 12 credits remaining and only one of the classes is related to engineering. I'm on the home stretch with mixed feelings. I took a job in Nashua, NH, and I'm very excited about it. What a change it's going to be. I've been in school for the past 5 years, yes I took the long route, and starting the routine of going to work every day is going to be very different. Anyway, I'm excited about the change, and my wife is talking about going back to school; I think it is a wonderful idea. Of course this could mean great things for all of my readers, I'll have much more to write about other than my seemingly insignificant life.

I performed one of my major tasks as president of the electrical and computer engineering honors society last night for the first time, I inducted new members. I find it interesting to see how times have changed so much, but how some things still stay the same. The induction ritual was probably written back in the 40's or so, the society has been in existence since 1904, and although it's gone through many revisions the main concepts are still there. Things such as being an honorable professional, standing up for what is right, always looking out for your fellow men and women, etc. These sort of morals still are as applicable today as they were back then although some may say harder to come by. But the writing style and some of the word usage just didn't apply at all, and brought on some laughs from those getting inducted, "Well Groomed" to give you an idea. The whole thing went well except for a couple screw ups on my part, but I guess I'm allowed that.

This is Monte signing out, and wishing you all a Super Sunday......Time to wipe the field with some Giants......