Monday, June 30, 2008

Lowell Lake, VT

One of the things that I've been missing while in school has been ventures into places that are less traveled. It's nice to get out and see the world that isn't filled with people rushing around like chickens without that vital organ.

Every once in a while I get the chance to head up to Londonderry, VT and help out a good friend with her computer. She's very patient with me, I think I probably cause more problems then I fix...but she says that I fix her problems and make her life better. See she has the right idea, nice office space with a beautiful view overlooking the woods surrounding Bromley, Mt. She works remotely most of the time, and heads to NYC when needed. Anyway, I digress. So I got the chance to head up and help her out. Just a couple days prior I invested in a wonderful guide, AMC's Quiet Water, so I looked up lakes that were local to Londonderry figuring that I would just take along the kayak and paddle around for a couple hours after working. Lowell Lake happened to be just down the road from where I was going to be. It took me about 1.5 hours to paddle around the entire lake, granted I was taking my time. Here's the count on what I saw in those two hours;
4 Beaver
11 or 12 Beaver Huts
1 Blue Heron
3 Guys (Rather large I might add), Fishing from what looked like a paddle boat with a trolling motor

Good times were had. If you're in the area, I would suggest checking it out.

"A standard 8-oz. serving of milk provides good to excellent sources of nine essential nutrients, making it one of the most nutrient-dense foods."


1 comment:

Kim said...

Looks like it was beautiful! Glad you are getting the chance to chill and enjoy life for awhile!